February 2013 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society
February 11th, 2013

* The meeting was called to order by Club President, Dean Hostetter. Thirteen Club members and 4 guests were present. Due to church activities, the meeting was held in the upper level in the library.

* Discussion held on the proposed 8 inch grinder. Estimated cost is $3K. This is a good size for larger rocks and can accommodate two people. Motion made/approved to gather more information and cost data.

* Per Leo Cloutier potential problems related to the Fire Marshal inspection of the Club’s workshop have been resolved. Scott Gregory will purchase a fire extinguisher and hazardous material sign.

* Eleanor Matano suggested we offer a second Saturday each month for use of the workshop. It was generally agreed this would be good idea; how to establish the exact day was difficult. It was agreed the best way to meet the increased demand might be to have a signup sheet at each meeting and a second Saturday could be agreed at that time. Also, Leo Cloutier was willing to consider opening the workshop in the evenings.

* Sharon Helt proposed the Club consider changing the meeting time to 7:00 instead of 7:30. More discussion at the next meeting.

*NOTE: For all future meetings, please use the side door (workshop side) due to problems with the sidewalk.

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PROGRAM: Bob Helt with commentary by Sharon Helt. Bob and Sharon drove to Alaska (27 days) to meet up with their son Matthew who was working at Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve and then travel around Alaska for 10 days. Along the way they met several interesting characters, visited unique and out of the way locations, observed salmon fishing, dodged wildlife along the many open and treacherous roads, and most importantly collected rocks, panned for gold and listed to numerous gold related stories. Rock collecting sites included: the world famous Kennicott Copper mine, gold panning in the Yukon and Alaska, and jade collecting in British Columbia. They visited numerous mining sites and looked though large tailing piles. How to tell an Alaskan: “they carry at least one weapon, have a broken windshield and are accompanied by two dogs”.

Refreshments provided by: Jilly Weigel

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March meeting: Monday, March 11th at 7:30 PM
Waynesboro Church of the Brethren
364 Bridge Road
Lower parking lot—Side Door entrance!

PROGRAM: “How to Facet” by Kelly Lane. If you ever want to know how to facet, Kelly has all the answers.

Refreshments: Dean Hostetter

Bob Helt, Secretary

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Club Officers and Staff 2013
President – Dean Hostetter
Vice President – Leo Cloutier
Show Co-Chairs – Dean Hostetter and all Club members
Educational Outreach -- Linda Corwin, Bob Helt
Secretary/Newsletter -- Bob Helt (heltsncrozet@comcast.net)
Field Trip Coordinator - Dean Hostetter (deanboy@ntelos.net)
Treasurer – Scott Gregory
Web Site Coordinator – Jack Glenn

Club web site:
Club email: svgem-min-club@live.com