• Example: Avid J. Rockhound

  • Please provide an email address so we can communicate with you and send you a reminder. Example: yourname@domain.com

  • To provide to members who are interested in attending the trip to check on status or changes due to weather or other conditions

  • Please describe the general location or common name of the location you propose visiting

  • Examples: Google Maps link or VERY specific directions to a meeting place or the location, the rocks & minerals found in the area, special conditions or requirements, equipment and safety gear recommended, etc.

  • Examples: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Yes No Email Phone
    If so, the above email address and/or phone number will be provided in the trip announcement from the club secretary to the membership email list
  • If it's raining/snowing/lightning/otherwise inclement - the trip will be postponed If it's raining/snowing/lightning/otherwise inclement - come on ahead! If it's raining/snowing/lightning/otherwise inclement - call me at the number provided in the trip information message from the club secretary
    The club's Secretary will acknowledge your volunteering, ask any questions, and publish the proposed trip to the club membership via the club email list

  • You will receive a sent message receipt to the email address you provided above.